Lutheran World Relief Projects
Mission Quilters
Mission Quilters meet every Wednesday morning to cut, stitch, pin, sew, iron, and knot as we put together 60” by 80” quilts. Quilts are sent across the globe to areas where people are refugees or suffering the effects of violence or natural disasters. In addition to being a bed cover, they can be turned into a baby carrier, a room divider, a place to display items in the market, a sack for carrying goods, a sunshade, or a shawl. In the past year our quilters completed 132 quilts! We are always looking for additional help—young or old, male or female—come and join us any Wednesday mornings at 9:30am in the second floor classrooms!
Care Kits
Our members bring items to the church throughout the year for kits. The kits are assembled in time for the in-gathering the first Sunday in October.
In 2023 we completed 50 School kits, 50 Baby kits,122 Quilts, 30 Fabric Kits, and 70 Health kits!

Lutheran World Relief
Founded by Lutherans in the United States at the end of World War II, grounded in Lutheran theology and building on decades of experience, Lutheran World Relief tackles global poverty by helping people adapt to the challenges that threaten their livelihoods and well-being.
ELCA Relief and Development
This link will connect you to organizations such as: ·
- ELCA Malaria Campaign
- ELCA World Hunger
- HIV and AIDS Ministry
- Lutheran Disaster Response
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
Heifer International
For generations, we have provided resources and training for struggling small-scale farmers in order to give them a chance to change their circumstances. But solving hunger and poverty on a global scale requires focus on sound, community-based work aligned with a long-term commitment to achieving self-reliance.
ELCA Young Adults in Global Ministry
The ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission program invites ELCA young adults ages 21-29 into a transformative, year-long journey in international service.
ELCA Good Gifts
ELCA Good Gifts is your opportunity to provide critical support to the ministries and programs that mean the most to you and the people you love.