Church Leadership

2024 Congregation Council

  • Joyce Ray, President 
  • Marlin Maclay, Vice President 
  • Mary Beth McGraw-Warne, Secretary 
  • Sally Herritt, Treasurer 
  • Carol McCoy, Financial Secretary 
  • The Rev. Jane Nicholson, Pastor
  • Freda Dorand, Deacon 
  • Martha Carbaugh
  • Jeff Dorand
  • Barb Evans
  • Gerry Wilson


Much of our life together is accomplished through the work of parish committees. Everyone is invited to be a part of any committee in which they have an interest! 

Faith Formation 

Tim Gotwald, chair and liaison
Joyce Ray, liaison 


Chair vacancy 
Barb Evans, liaison 


Tedd Sloan, chair 
Sally Herritt, liaison

Parish Life

Mary Beth McGraw-Warne, chair & liaison


Paul Holbrook, Mary Bth McGraw Warne 
Jeff Dorand, liaison

Social Missions

Rose Wilson, chair 
Martha Carbaugh, liaison 


Chair vacancy
Marlin Maclay, liaison 

Worship and Music

Gerry Wilson, chair & liaison