Music at First Evangelical Lutheran Church
At First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chambersburg, we love praising our Risen Savior through our music programs. We are delighted to provide a variety of music programs.

Sanctuary Choir
Directed by Freda Dorand
Anyone who would like to worship God with their vocal talents are welcome. See Freda or any choir member if you would like to sing in the choir.
The Choir:
- Rehearses on Thursday nights at 7:15pm in the choir room.
- Leads the liturgy during worship
- Sings an anthem each week except for the month of August
- Presents a Cantata each year on the Sunday before Christmas and on Palm Sunday. This is an 8 week commitment for those who want to sing during the festival seasons

Orchestra Sundays
Directed by Tim Gotwald
The orchestra accompanies worship services on the 4th Sundays of June, July, and August. This group is open to all instrumentalists. There are other opportunities for instruments occasionally during the church year to enhance our worship experience.

Hand Bell Choir
Directed by Freda Dorand
The Rose Ringers Handbell Choir is open to those who would like to learn the art of hand bell ringing.
The Rose Ringers:
- Rehearses on Thursdays from 6pm-7pm in the upstairs classroom
- Complements the service with preludes, hymn accompaniments, and occasionally a choir anthem
- Participates in the annual December “ChambersBellFest” with several local bell choirs
- Offers special class sessions available for new members