Adult Ministry
Adult Sunday School
9:30 a.m. on Sundays
From the weekend after Labor Day to the weekend prior to Memorial Day
All adults are encouraged to continually grow in their faith and their relationship with God through learning. Join us one or more weeks for Sunday School.
- Class is taught by Tim Gotwald and held in the Parlor on the first floor.
Current Sunday School Topics
The Psalms are all at once a hymnbook, a prayer book, and an instruction book. Come and be edified by God’s word through this poetic book as we meditate and study the psalms. We meet on Sunday mornings at 10:00 in the Parlor. Taught by Tim Gotwald

Tuesday Evening ZOOM Study Group
JESUS: The God Who Knows Your Name, by Max Lucado will be discussed on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the fall of 2020. Pastor Nicholson will facilitate the group. If you need help with zoom, please contact the church office.
Women of the ELCA Circle Bible Study (not meeting fall 2020 because of covid 19)
Women of the ELCA is our congregation’s women’s organization. All women are welcome to attend our Circle Bible Study and fellowship gatherings.
“Circles” gather In September, November, January, February, April, and June. In October, December, and March we all meet together for special presentations on the first Tuesday of the month. See Women’s page for more information.

Fellowship Ministry
Our Parish Life committee strives to bring people together for fun and fellowship. Each year we host Covered Dish dinners, a Game Night, an Easter Breakfast and our after Church Luncheons. One Sunday every June we have morning worship at Caledonia State Park followed by our annual church picnic with fried chicken and all the fixins’!

Prayer Ministry
A group of members participate in a prayer “chain.” Marcia Hunt receives information about folks who are in need of special care and prayers for healing. Some are from our church family, and other relatives, friends, or neighbors of our members. Emails are sent to persons in the chain. who then pray for the person in need. A note to let the person know we are praying for them is sent to everyone on the prayer list. These notes are greatly appreciated.

Membership Classes
If you have worshiped with us regularly for a period of time and have an interest in learning more about being a member of First Lutheran, please contact the pastor. New members may be received at different times throughout the year.

Church Library
Our church library is located behind the chapel. We have many books for you to enjoy reading as well as many reference books for the Bible.

God, who is rich in mercy and love, gives us a new birth into a living hope through the sacrament of baptism. By water and the Word God delivers us from sin and death and raises us to new life in Jesus Christ. We are united with all the baptized in the one body of Christ, anointed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, and joined in God’s mission for the life of the world. Please contact the pastor if you would like yourself or your child to be baptized.
Every Christian has been given spiritual gifts to use in service to the body of Christ. We use the gifts we have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. There’s a role here at First Lutheran for everyone! For more information on how you can use your gifts and talents here, contact the church office at 717-264-2015 or email