Local Outreach
NETwork Ministry
NETwork Ministry is a local organization that provides a faith-based after-school program. They offer tutoring, piano lessons, dance, simple outdoor recreation, a community garden, and a more complex outdoor program which involves field trips and camping. They have recently acquired a new building and are renovating it to become a headquarters/dance studio/recreation hall.
Meals on Wheels
First Lutheran provides the headquarters for the Chambersburg Meals on Wheels program, including using the kitchen for weekly meal preparation. Many members of First Lutheran also serve as volunteers to deliver meals five days a week to over 100 homebound persons.
Maranatha Ministries
Maranatha Ministries include:
- A food pantry providing food to several hundred families in the Chambersburg Area
- Candleheart: A Gospel-centered life skills and re-habilitation program which helps people get back on their path from where they had once strayed.
- Cold Weather Drop In Shelter: A temporary housing program for up to 20 single homeless persons each night from December 1 to April 1 each year.
- Transitional housing provides for a temporary shelter for families while they seek a more permanent solution.

Harvest Home Gathering – Early October
Each October our congregation shares the bounty of our tables with others through the Meals on Wheels program. The following food items are collected: medium noodles, macaroni, spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, sugar (5 lb bags), brown sugar, canned fruit, cake mixes, cake frosting, ketchup, canned vegetables, instant white rice, low salt chicken broth, cookies and grapenut cereal. Monetary donations are also greatly appreciated. In the weeks leading up to Harvest Home donations may be deposited in the Harvest Home box located in Memorial Hall. Please place any monetary contributions in an envelope marked for Meals on Wheels and place in the offering plate on Sunday morning or in the church office.
WELCA Service Project
Backpack Program
The backpack program is designed to help meet the nutritional needs of children at risk of hunger during non-school hours, specifically weekends and holidays.
Through this program, participating children will be given special backpacks once each week that will be filled with non-perishable food which can be used to meet their weekend nutritional needs.
We collect different items each month for the backpacks and rotate this schedule with other organizations. Please give items in individual serving sizes.

January * May * September
- Graham or Animal Crackers
- Light Popcorn
- Whole Grain Cereal
- Granola Bars
- Individual Cereal Boxes
March * November
- Canned fruit / fruit cups in light syrup
- Dried fruit: raisins, plums, cranberries
February * June * October
- Spaghetti and meatballs
- Ravioli
- Beefaroni
- Lasagna
April * December
Feel free to donate other items as you feel. Contact our church office with questions.