Sunday Worship

Worship is the Center of Our Life Together
We gather each Sunday to:
- Encounter a God who loves the world
- Experience God’s story
- Taste the Lord’s meal
- Pray for those in need
- Be sent into a world hungry for hope.

Our Worship is Liturgical
The liturgy is a treasure of our Christian heritage and Lutheran tradition. The words and music change seasonally to reflect the church year. We hope you will find a depth of purpose and meaning in these ancient rhythms.

Our Worship is Musical
We celebrate the gift of music with our beautiful pipe organ and amazing instrumentalists and vocalists. In worship, we experience the breadth and depth of the Christian tradition by singing songs of many generations.

Our Worship is Biblical
We encounter God’s story in worship through fresh and relevant preaching that connects the stories of our faith with application for daily living. We don’t claim to have all of the answers, but we hope that you will find that your story is a part of God’s story.
Worship Times and Location
Join us for Sunday Worship
- 10:45 a.m. (The Sunday following Labor Day through the Sunday prior to Memorial Day Weekend)
- 9:30 a.m. (Memorial Day Weekend – Labor Day Weekend)
We gather each Sunday morning in the Sanctuary on the second floor. (Elevator available.) We livestream our worship on facebook and post them to the website home page following worship.

Holy Communion
Holy Communion is celebrated the first and third Sundays of every month and on festival days. All are welcome to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

All children are always encouraged to worship with us! However, we offer a nursery on the second floor near the restrooms for children age 4 and younger and one of their parents during the worship time.

Children in Worship
Children are always welcome in worship! Having children of all ages in worship means they are right where they are meant to be. As members of the family of God, they are in the process of learning how to worship, just like the rest of us.
Children may pick up a children’s worship bag on the way into worship. During the service all children are invited to come forward for a children’s message. They need to hear that they are part of God’s story and that God’s promise is for them.
All children who have been baptized may receive Holy Communion and may come forward with their parents during the serving of Communion, or parents may choose to have them receive a spoken blessing.
An article in the ELCA magazine, Living Lutheran, shares this perspective on children in worship: “As any parent of a 2-year-old can tell you, they can be unpredictable, squirmy, loud, messy and make even the thickest-skinned parents embarrassed to sit in worship. So how does one do it?” Read more here.

Accessible and Comfortable
First Lutheran offers a variety of accommodations and options in order to enhance your worship experience. Our sanctuary is air-conditioned for your comfort. The building meets ADA standards and is fully wheelchair-accessible, with ramp entrances, an automatic door at the west end of the building, and elevator service.
Wheelchair-accessible seating is available upon entrance to the sanctuary. We also offer large-print bulletins for those with visual impairments and amplification devices for those who are hard of hearing. Home communion and visitation are provided to those who are unable to attend services. Please inform a greeter, member, or pastor if you are in need of additional assistance to facilitate a meaningful worship experience.